Prepay Payment Information

Prepay program available to PEC members

In 2019, Pickwick Electric Cooperative launched a pilot program for prepay metering, and we offer this program to all residential members. With normal metering, you receive a bill after you have used the electricity, but with prepay, you are paying in advance, similar to filling the gas tank on your car.

Here’s how it works:

  • Contact PEC to enroll in the prepay program.
  • Members must meet eligibility requirements.
  • An initial $100 payment must be made to activate the electric account.
  • As energy is used, the balance is reduced.
  • The member can elect to receive daily notifications of his or her account balance.
  • A prepay fee will apply to all participating accounts.
  • No deposits are required.
  • No late fees.
  • Reconnect fees are less for prepay members if you happen to get disconnected.
  • Prepay participants will not receive a monthly statement.

Once you have enrolled and your account is active, download MyUsage from the Apple app store or Google Play and take control of your utilities. The app allows you to monitor your daily use; make or schedule payments; conserve energy by controlling your use and spending; and receive notifications by email, text message, or push alert.

For more detailed information on the PrePay program, contact PEC at 731-645-3411 or view the prepay service agreement.